Combined Sowing Complexes FEAT series with seed placement into the anchor coulter with single seed press wheels
The combined sowing complex “FEAT” with the seed placement into the anchor coulter is designed for gutter sowing of cereal, legume and small-seeded crops simultaneously with granulated fertilizers on the untreated background.
The complex is used in all agro-climatic zones, including those ones exposed to wind and water erosion, on all soil types, except for stony grounds. The application of the complex in the minimal (Mini-till) and zero (No-till) tillage system is effective.
The working section (frame) of the sowing complex is equipped with four rows of tines 25x80 made of 60S2A steel with anchor coulters 12 mm thick with a welded-on carbide blade VK8. The damper mounts of the tines help to create pressure on soil up to 300 kg, which allows you to process soil at the given depth under various climate conditions and ensures perfect field copying while protecting the unit from breakdowns when the anchor force exceeds the nominal one.
The machine seed loading, electronic quality control of the seeding machine functioning and parallel driving system allow to carry out planting confidently at any time of the day, in case of any dust content and to maintain the complex by one tractor operator only. Upon completion of the planting season, the complex is easily transformed into a cultivator, which can be used for cultivation of fallow lands and the basic fall cultivation.
The standard equipment of the sowing complex of FEAT series with the seed placement into the anchor coulter provides for the installation of seed press wheels with a pneumatic tire 25 mm or 100 mm wide (at the buyer's choice). The structure of the seed press wheels adopts the reinforced agricultural bearings FKL, and the metal wheel rim withstands the loads of more than 300 kg.
A wide product range with the operating width of 5.4; 7.2; 8.5; 9.9; 10.8; 12 meters, which allows to load the entire line of tractors used in the agricultural production in the optimal way;
Sound “PRO” arguments for the combined sowing complexes of FEAT series with seed placement into the anchor coulter:
- The six-channel distribution of the seed flow – dosing accuracy in the whole coulter group and minimum damages to the seed materials;
- The operative parts (tines, anchors) are made of high-carbon spring steels, using the advanced methods of thermal treatment and hardening;
- The complex is used in all agro-climatic zones, including those ones exposed to wind and water erosion, on all soil types, except for stony grounds. The application of the complex in the zero tillage system (No-till) is effective;
- The application of the complex provides:
- use under the extreme agro-climatic conditions;
- pneumatic planting of cereal and grain legume crops, individual ramming when sowing into the anchor coulter;
- application of granulated fertilizers together with the seeds.
- The anchor tines with the operative parts are installed in four rows with the row spacing of 232 mm or 180 mm; the damper mounts of the tine create the maximum operating pressure on soil up to 300 kg, serve to protect the unit from breakdowns, when the load on the tines is higher than the allowed one, as well as to reduce the traction force, and help to ensure the accurate and uniform sowing at the desired depth;
- Thanks to the high ground clearance and location of the anchor tines in staggered rows, the optimal passage of crop residues between the tines of the sowing complex is ensured;
- There are anchor coulters 12 mm thick installed on the complex; they are made of 65G steel with a welded-on carbide blade VK8, with an individual seed press wheel with the atmospheric pressure tire.
- The individual seed press wheels with the bearings of FKL brand (Slovenia) that are free of maintenance serve as an ideal mechanism for closing the seed bed.
- The multiple number of the anchor tines with shovels and disc coulters enable sowing both into the anchor and the shovel and disc coulter (in case of additional re-equipment);
- The reinforced frame is rigid in all directions of application of the traction force;
- The frame structure provides for thick-walled non-circular pipes from 09G2S steel, differing in excellent weldability and increased strength;
- Rigid, but at the same time lightweight operative section (the frame with the operative parts) allows to reduce the traction force of the tractor;
- The sowing complex with the seed placement into the anchor coulter allows you to sow on the untreated background as well as under extreme climate conditions, while eliminating the risk of wind and water soil erosion;
- The ability to move the crop residues and soil from the seed row reduces the possibility of root diseases.
- The original design of the anchor tine, which allows to have solid support beams with a width of at least 100 mm at a pitch of 232 mm or 180 mm between the tines in the presence of the all-welded frame, makes the frame more rigid and light enough;
- The installation of the transport frame provided for placement of the anchor tines in four rows, which excluded clogging of the tines with plant and crop residues and allowed using the sowing complex with the seed placement into the anchor coulter under conditions of high humidity;
- The frame of the sowing complex (when replacing the anchor tines with the tines with shovels) can be used as an independent tillage unit – a cultivator of PK series;
- The application of hydraulic cylinders in the series connection reduced the load on the frames and operative parts of the seeding complex and simplified its engineering adjustment, which improves the soil cultivation quality and increases the service life of the assembly units and the sowing complex in general;
- All assembly units of the complex, except for bearings, hydraulic cylinders and tires, are manufactured at our plant, which fact essentially simplifies the warranty and post-warranty maintenance of the machinery;
- When manufacturing the frame and operative pars of the complex, up-to-date exclusive technologies such as high-frequency current surface hardening, electro-spark alloying etc. are used;
- The application in the design of modern polymeric and composite materials, production of dispensers from stainless steel and polymeric materials make the unit reliable and durable even when working with mineral fertilizers;
- The kinematic scheme of the dispenser drive through the variator has a wide range of variation in the rotational speed of the dispensing coils, which allows setting of the seeding rates from 2,5 to 400 kg/ha;
- In the sowing mode, when the sowing complex is moving: the anchor knives cut through the compacted soil layers, create a dense seedbed, which the seeds and fertilizers are stacked in a single line on (with the row spacing of 232 mm or 180 mm) using a sowing tube up to the depth of anchor processing. The processing is carried out at a depth of 5 ... 10 cm;
- The pressure on the coulter is regulated by rigidly fixing clips on the hydraulic cylinders of series connection with a pitch of 1 cm – guaranteed saving of the given settings and ensuring of the stability adjustment of the parameters for placing the seed material.
- The placing depth of the seed material is regulated by moving the lever-lock of the individual seed press wheel;
- The sowing complex is equipped with a control system for the sowing parameters: electromagnetic coupling, position of the frame, functioning of dispensers, fan, level of the seeds and fertilizers, pressure in the hopper, clogging of the seed drill tubes and the parallel driving system. The high maneuverability, transport speed and mobility make it possible to use the sowing complexes in remote fields of small dimensions, while reducing the energy consumption and increasing productivity in relation to the traditional sowing technologies;
- The specified application rate of seeds and fertilizers provides pressure in the hopper tanks. For operational monitoring of tightness in the hatches and good condition of other elements of the hopper, there is an excess pressure gauge installed in each tank. When the pressure in the hopper falls below the allowed value, a warning signal lights up on the monitor;
- The sowing electronic control system and the board navigation complex – monitoring of the stable functioning of the sowing complex and parallel driving on the basis of GLONASS/GPS – are included into the scope of supply;
- The opportunity of easy reinstallation and use of GLONASS/GPS board navigation system on sprayers and other agricultural machinery;
- Two location variants of the hoppers which are easily detachable from the frame – posterior-mounted or anterior-mounted one with the volume of 6.8 m3 (factory package) or with the volume of 10,0 m3 (optionally).
The basic equipment of the sowing complex of FEAT series includes an electronic seeding control system, a parallel driving system, a hopper with the volume of 6,8 m3 (when replacing with a hopper of 10 m3, the rise in the price is +200 000 rubles to the basic price), a hydraulic engine (when replacing with a self-contained engine, the rise in the price is + 450 000 rubles to the basic price). The installation supervision and commissioning works are carried out at the seller's expense. The delivery in the Altai Region is free.
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В стандартной комплектации посевных комплексов серии АP предусмотрена установка (по выбору покупателя): |
Опорно-прикатывающих колес с пневматической шиной сферической формы 300х100 FLEX. | |||||
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Опорно-прикатывающих колес с пневматической шиной сферической формы 300х50 FLEX. |
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Опорно-прикатывающих колес с шиной клиновидной формы 300х50 FLEX | |||||
В конструкции опорных колес используются усиленные подшипники FKL сельскохозяйственного назначения, выдерживающие значительные нагрузки. |
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- датчики бункера (блок запуска муфты, блок сбора данных, датчики вращения вала дозатора, вентилятора, датчик наполнения бункера, датчик давления бункера) - датчики высевающей части (датчик забивания семяпроводов, датчик положения культиватора). |
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Parameter Name |
AP-9800 |
AP-12500 |
Operating width, m |
9,8 |
12,5 |
Productivity per 1 hour of basic time (at the speed of 12 km/h) ha, not less than |
9,8 |
12,5 |
Number of anchor coulters with step of coulter 232 mm, pcs. |
42 |
54 |
Number of anchor coulters with step of coulter 180 mm, pcs. | - | - | |
Row width, cm |
18/23.2 |
Seed placement depth, cereal/grain legume crops, cm |
3-10 |
Seed application rate, cereal/grain legume crops, kg/ha |
2,5-400 |
Loading volume of seeds 60%/fertilizers 40% |
6,8 m³,10 m³ |
Transport speed, km/h |
Up to 20 |
Operating rate, km/h |
10-12 | ||
Dimensions of the sowing machine in the operating position, mm: |
17500 |
17500 |
width |
10000 |
12800 |
height |
3800 |
3800 |
Dimensions of the sowing machine in the transport position, mm: |
length |
17500 |
17500 |
width |
5600 |
5600 |
height |
3800 |
5100 |
Sowing machine weight without a seed hopper, kg |
9500 |
14000 |
Service life, years |
7 |
Number of operating staff, persons |
1 |
Implement coupling |
KPK-980А |
KPK-1250А |
Sowing, fallow cultivation, autumn plowing |
K-744R2 (350 h.p.)
MTZ-3522 (350 h.p.)
from 420 h.p. |
Recommended drawbar category of tractors, pulling force |
7 |
9 |