VI dealer conference of the FEATAGRO brand was held in Barnaul from January 23 to 24

VI dealer conference of the FEATAGRO brand was held in Barnaul from January 23 to 24. This event has become a true tradition of our company – for 6 years, plant managers and dealers from most regions of Russia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia have been gathering to discuss topical issues, draw up plans for the year, and announce new products. Each conference is a unique event that embodies the history and character of our company. This year's conference was dedicated to the 70th anniversary of virgin land development in the Altai Territory, as well as the 60th anniversary of the Lenkovsky Selmashzavod (the main production site of the FEATAGRO plant), which is located in the village of Lenki, Blagoveshchensk district.

The first stage, as always, was the most intense part – the general conference of partners. Sergey Ivanovich Tverdokhleb, General Director of the company, delivered a welcoming speech. Chairman of the Board of Directors Alexander Kostin presented a report on the state of the agricultural machinery market and the results achieved by the brand in the past year. Yuri Maksimov, Chief Designer of the company, spoke in detail about the brand's new products, which we plan to release this year. In the course of his speech, dealers had a lot of questions regarding the technical part, but Yuri Alekseevich managed to answer each of them constructively. The final stage of the conference was a speech by Vladimir Sergeevich Slivtsov, Sales Director. He made a presentation in which he demonstrated the dynamics of the brand's equipment production, sales structure, and marketing strategy for 2024. At the end of the day, a solemn awarding ceremony was held for dealers who showed the best results in the field of sales and promotion of our products. Each of the winners was awarded a corporate prize.

The annual holding of dealer conferences helps to establish relations between partners, is a good format for solving various issues. It also provides an excellent opportunity for communication between dealers, which allows you to share your experience with each other.


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